Wednesday, 6 August 2008

010. The Space Brothers - Heaven Will Come (Lange Vocal Mix)

One should always be weary of vocal club tracks. Dance music is not about lyrics. For the most part, it’s music without words. If lyrical effervescence and wordsmanship are what you seek, you would be wise to look else where. Inevitably, vocals imply inherent commercial appeal. Frequently we witness a track which has such a large underground following that a attempt to cross over with a release on a major commercial label is prompted. In order to garner popular support some impoverished vocals, often written on the back of a napkin after a heavy night out, are hastily pasted to the top of the track. As such, you’ll forgive such inherent scepticism of vocals. But very occasionally, things work out.

From the off, lets not get confused here. I’m not for a second suggesting this track was released without commercial intent. But as such tracks go, this isn’t all that dire. What makes things work is the vocal intent; it’s designed to facilitate vocals from its inception. Moreover, the vocals have one idea in mind; to strike a pertinent chord with those who choose to ingest certain chemical substances when on a night out. The lyrics centre around personal development and happiness. If your ‘safe place’ had a soundtrack this would be on the playlist. It’s the kind of track someone on a bad trip wants dropped so they can get a handle on things. If it was released now, I’d no doubt be dismissive; the almost sacrosanct influence of late 90’s trance being what it is. But play this one in the early hours a safe distance from other vocals and just watch the arms raise to the sky.

The Space Brothers - Heaven Will Come (Lange Vocal Mix)
[Manifesto : FESX61]

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